Monday, September 8, 2008

Beth Moore Study Week 1: This is just a test of the emergency broadcast system

So, I am doing a Beth Moore Bible Study with Keith Ann and Jennifer. It is nice; kind of a way to think and stretch my analytical brain while cramming it with info that really matters. For a long time, two thoughts enter my mind at various times during the day. These thoughts are like a marquis scrolling occasionally across my brain. They are subtle, but always prefaced by a very low emergency management system type beeeeeeep inside my head. I understand that the imagery is getting a little ridiculous at this point, but I really want to give a clear picture of what my thoughts are like...I know, I know the suspense is killing you, right (prepare to be disappointed as I have really built this up at this point).

  • Point #1: at some point I heard, maybe from a song or a sermon, someone say (vague, right) When I meet God, I don't want to have to explain that I had no time in the time he had given me to study his word.
  • Point #2: This one is really cheesy: Tim Magraw (or however you spell it) sang a song Live Like You Were Dying, in which he sang, as he did things to really make the most of the time he had left, "I finally read the Good Book."
  • Conclusion: As these phrases scroll through my head on their weekly test, God reminds me that I don't need to wait for a true emergency (which is what I am constantly on the lookout for anyway) to get what will help me now during my weekly EMS tests.

So anywho, this is my goal for the next 11 weeks, and I am open to whatever good will come out of it (and I KNOW it will, even if Bryan is pessimistic about it, maybe he will learn a little something too.)

"Without delay he called them (beeep) , and they left their fathers Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him."

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