Friday, August 22, 2008


So I have been creating my school website and this is one thing I put on it that is AWESOME and addictive and I thought you might like it.

Help end world hunger

And I am reading this book and it is THE best book I have read in a very long time.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I was tagged. (Or "The things I actually care enough to be competitive about"

Here are six things about me:

1. I am a perfectionist. I hate hate hate to be outdone by anyone when it comes to teaching. This is one of the reasons why Petal will be good for me because it is full of great teachers. I may have to put a lot of effort into being the best; I guess I need competition to challenge me.

2. Number one will be a surprise to my sister because I am not very competitive when it comes to anything that I am not already good at. Por ejemplo, sports, games, bowling, etc. If I am not already good at something, I have no drive to become good, and I don't really care that I am not good at it. In fact, I think it is funny that I am bad at it.

3. I can not draw or place things in a straight line...AT ALL...this poses a real problem when decorating a classroom. This coupled with the fact that I can not "cutsie, artsie" write makes it impossible for me to create much for my classroom, so Jenny has to do all my writing for me, and she does with little complaint and that is why I love her.

4. I really want to be a good cook. I am semi-okay; Cooking, teaching, being a stronger Christian, and a GREAT mom are the ONLY things I strive to become better at. (See answers 1 and 2, I am starting to see an emerging theme to this post.

5. I am a better and more happier mom when I am working. I mean to say that I enjoy being a mom more when I am working. I asked Bryan if this, in fact, makes me a worse mom and he half-jokingly, half-seriously said YES. Oh well, I told him that is because he does not watch Ty all day when we are out for the summer, and I am the one that becomes exhausted trying to chase down and entertain a one-year old all day while Bryan is being a boat whore. When I am working I can really make the most of the time Ty and I have together because it is not long enough for either of us to get sick of each other. I don't think that makes me a bad mother.

6. I have not felt nauseaus at all lately and that is AWESOME! (and I am scared to death so maybe the fact that I don't feel sick AND I am terrified of starting school means I have a handle on this Anxiety/Panic Disorder Attack icky thing.

Kal you are it. Although you prolly didn't make it through reading this to know that, so I will just tell you that you are it at school next week cause WE ARE COWORKERS NOW, HELLS YEA-YER!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun

So...I made my school website, and it looks pretty good. Gonna add more later. Let me know if you have any ideas. My room is almost decorated enough, and I have already been teased for the theme and the decorations. I always hated my high school classrooms cause the teachers never decorated them and they were so plain and ugly...PLUS...i have to be in that room for 180 days, and I can NOT look at blank walls for that long. Now I realize that I am an overachiever with a splash of OCD, and that combination tends to make one an easy target. BUT come on people, don't get upset because I am showing you up in the area of decorating; after all, I am probably overcompensating for lack of high school content knowledge (that should make all the haters feel better). For real though, I really like everyone that I am working with; they are a lot of fun and serious very little which is even more fun. IT will just take awhile to get over losing my teaching best friend, Linda, I really miss her face and voice next door to my room. Besides, she would have decorated AND had a theme.

If you wanna see my school website it is here make sure your sound is on. (thanks, Kal, you the best)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The FIRST haircut

He is sooo handsome. Thanks to Maul Salon and Photography Studio! Where you can get your hair cut and your pic taken at the same time.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Some things that have happened lately:
  • Chris took our first family portrait (see above)
  • school is about to start and I have been decorating my classroom; The theme is Books are the movies of the mind. I am trying to make it seem more grown up than it is turning out to be so I won't insult my 10th graders. Barbara says it doesn't look middle schoolish, but I don't know...
  • I learned all about blogging at Petal's technology summit and found this account during one of the hands on labs (I forgot I had started it while on maternity leave), so I think I will try and write more in it.
  • I forgot what it was like to only have time to do house chores on the weekends (I have not stopped today)
  • Ty got his first haircut today and he is handsome handsome handsome. Pics tomorrow.

On a side this not the coolest mascot you have ever seen. I spend $26 on red and black yellow box flops to show my support to my new school home. I am INTO this!