Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Random things: Andie I have things specifically here for you; look quickly.

Andie, I loved your 25 Random things, and I love the fact that your little girl is AWESOME! And ...I laughed out loud at UH-OH-song! Anywho, this looked like fun so I did it too; you do realize that our childless friends are rolling their eyes terribly at us; however, they will find out soon enough, and since they are surely in denial, it will be much worse for them. ready to have another yet? We need to see you soon! We are prolly going to come that way camping spring break or early part of summer.

Okay, so 25 random things about Tyson Howard Giles. I know you are DYING to know what "that boy" has been up to.

1. "That Boy" knows basic body parts: hair, eyes, nose, ears, tummy, teeth, "the toes" (thank you, Averie), knees, and "butt" (sounds okay coming from a boy)

2. Ty has really gotten to know his Uncle Ron, finally, because he is back with us from Florida, and they have a lot of fun together. Ty calls him Ronnie and loves Callie (Ron's dog), but he yells "NO, hush, and down" at Tiger (Ron's other dog).

Riding the Motorcycle with Uncle Ron

3. Ty loves to see the pish (fish) at church. We have been attending Temple Baptist, and Momma loves it! They have a lot for Ty to do, and is so cute in the nursery because he washes the dishes at the kitchen and plays plays plays with all the children.
4. Ty loves lima beans, sushi, edamame, escargot, foot (fruit), baked veggie ziti, and risotto ("That Boy" has very exquisite taste!)

5. He does not like nandy at all (verbal irony).
6. His grandma feeds him way toox much nandy (candy) and it makes me furious. Also, "Mom, do not feed him after three in the afternoon," is not so much a rule but a suggestion apparently.
7. He has new black converse shoes that are so cool.

8. He repeats EVERYTHING we say, including DAMN, and damn is said with PERFECT annunciation, unlike any other normal, decent word he says.

9. He loves baths and has a new sesame street potty seat that we are going to try because now he tells us when he has "poop." (we are so proud)

10. His favorite song is "My Name is James" from James and the Giant Peach, and it has been putting him to sleep without fail since 2007.
11. He "freestyles" on his power wheels four wheeler. I will post video later. We thought, at first, that he didn't like it because it was too fast. We were wrong. It was too slow. Upon sitting on the power wheels, he will immediately begin to look at us incredulously, as if to say, "Seriously, I can walk faster than this!" and we soon found out that he just wanted to make it more extreme.

12. He bites hard.
Qbut then...

13. He loves hard. His love language is going to be physical touch, and I know this because he pats me, holds my hand, sticks his face in my hair to go to sleep, and runs full speed to me for a hug and kiss at least every 30 minutes.

13.5 When you tell him not to touch something, he will get this, pardon the expression but no other phrase fits as well, "sh**-eating" grin on his face, point his pointer finger straight out and slowly advance toward said forbidden object almost, but not quite, touching it, literally centimeters away, and "ACT" as if he is about to do what you told him to do until you almost pass out from trying to hold in the laughter that is about to burst out of you. Hilarious, but B-A-D!

14. He loves his Papa's hats, and looks darn cute in a "two-huge" hat. On a side note - his papa loves him more than I have ever seen him love anything. Ya'll know my dad as a stoic, stern-faced man. Well, not anymore, he is a big ball of mush, and it is hilarious!

15. He has trouble saying his T's and G's, which is sort of a problem... Tyson Giles.

16. He would be outside all day, everyday, no matter what. He loves to swing, slide, balance on his balance board (it's a skater/wakeboard thing), and he LOVES bubbles, tractors, trucks, balls, and anything that goes vroom.

At the bowling alley

17. He loves to dance, sing, and rock out on his new guitar. How ironic will it be if he ends up with musical talent?
18. He walked at 10 and a half months, had teeth at 4 months, got out of his crib at 13 months, and learned to climb up and down the stairs at 16 months (which means I have not had a private shower in over 8 weeks). He has been on the go and not slacked up since he could figure out how to go.

19. He is a very good picker upper.
20. He loves to ride on puppies, no matter how big or small they are. Poor Lucie. She is a very good sport. They play tug of war to, and she wins, dragging him all around the floor, much to his delight.

21. He loves Elmo, Oscar, Caillou, Rogers, and Rainbow. (PBS)
22. He loves his momma more than anyone in the whole wide world (ask Bryan).

23. He loves the moon, tars, sun, and "The Sky, The Sky." Again compliments of Averie.

24. His best friends are Youk (Luke Bailey), Baby (Rebecca Carter), and Abbie, say it with a long "A" like it rhymes with baby (Averie Larson).

25. He wants a brudder very, very badly, and since he was the most easy going kid in the world, his mama thinks (probably very naively) that she is ready and willing for this as well. I hope I am right! Pregnancy and national boards in the same year; Do I dare climb that spooky old tree? Next year will be crazy. Oh well, up the meds and pray, pray, pray!

Whew...crazy long!

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW! I love him! I love your post! I miss y'all so much :) My sweet boy is growing so fast - I can't believe he's almost 18 months. He will be out there behind the boat before you can blink. Just think of that . . . little Ty on his own wake-board. I bet Bryan already has one picked out for him . . .
