I was tagged by a good bible study friend, Kelly, to write 10 honest things about myself, so here goes.
Here are the rules:
1. Say thanks and give a link to the one who gave you the award.
2. Share 10 honest things about yourself.
3. Present this award to 3 other fantastically brilliant blogs of content or design, or peeps that have encouraged you.
4. Tell those 3 people they've been awarded and make sure they're informed of these guidelines.
1. I worry about everything...and when I don't have something to worry about I search until I find something. My mother is the same way.
2. I have the biggest guilt complex of anyone I know; if I feel I have done something wrong I CAN NOT forgive myself for it, even if the person I have wronged has already forgiven me and God has too.
3. I really envy crafty people, and I wish I could be crafty too.
4. I can not imagine loving another child as much as I love Ty, and I feel like I will always be comparing the next one to Ty, and then I feel guilty for this (see number 2).
5. Macaroni and Cheese is my favorite food.
6. I truly believe that my husband was hand-picked for me by God.
7. In fact, I believe that God is really planning my life down to the very minute details, such as sending me dreams to let me know what to do...I know I sound crazy! But honest!
8. I don't worry as much when I teach or am at bible study; therefore, I must teach and go to bible study...to live.
9. Sometimes I get so scared that I think I might actually die...right then and there.
10. 1, 2, 8, and 9 seem impossible if 6 and 7 are really true...I know...so, number 10 is that I am a bundle of contradictions and little faith, but big hope, and possibly just completely insane...
I may need drugs...
I'm a big bundle of contradictions too. Its part of being human and our spirits battling our flesh...I think.