Sunday, June 28, 2009

A faithful friend is the medicine of life.

Andie and Scott, our most wonderful friends and Ty's Godparents, are in town this week, and Ty and Averie picked up right where they left off (we haven't seen them since NOVEMBER!) and proceeded to be the cutest things you have EVER seen as Ty showed Averie his toys, and they had some bonding time.

We watched fireworks at Temple Baptist Church. Ty was a little nervous, but Averie was so very brave and exclaimed, "BOOM BOOM," while she clapped for the beautiful sight. This gave Ty a little bit of courage, and after we left, he decided that he liked them but that "fireworks gone, mommy!"

I had to cover Ty's ears. It is so good to see our friends; it has been too too long!

My future daughter-in-law is so very beautiful and the thumb-sucker is so handsome himself!


We took Ty to cut off his mullet. I was worried that he wouldn't sit still because, believe it or not, he has a little bit of energy, so I bought him a frosty. I needn't have worried, however, because Lindsey was ready and prepared with a dum-dum sucker, and he never even moved. Thank God for NANDY!

It is around 9:00 a.m. and we have probably just woken up. Not completely awake in this picture.

We are found pool-side with Loop (Luke) quite frequently these days!

At the beach with Mommy!
As you can see, we are having such a grand time this summer, and although we are exhausted approaching the terrible twos, we don't remember life EVER being this much fun! More pictures to follow of Ty and Averie as they play hard this week!

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